Monday, July 09, 2007

Design & Art Weekend

Finally logged onto over the weekend and it put a little dent in my wallet. So much cool stuff! Yipes.

I was in New York for the past two weeks and I spent an evening with some friends in New Jersey over the Fourth. They have some great artwork they purchased at a friend's gallery here in SF, and it made me think about my own apartment's sad lack of art.

So I logged on to Etsy and totally scored. Very excited to receive my shiny new artwork. I got two prints. One by Matte Stephens and one by Erin McCauley. (left and right respectively, below) I'm pretty sure they are both going to hang in my bedroom, in the corner near my computer where I can stare at them while contemplating posting on my blog, which let's face it, I spend a lot more time doing than actually posting!

Matte Stephens has a show at super7 in San Francisco this month. I am definitely checking it out!

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