I have to say I'm riveted by the coverage of Queen Elizabeth visiting the States this week. President Bush even made me laugh when he joked with her about one of his usual misstatements in a speech he made in the Rose Garden yesterday. (He said we celebrated our bicentennial in 1776, instead of 1976. She gave him a look and he made a joke about how she gave him a look that only a mother could, and I think he meant that England was sort of like our mother, so it was appropriate that she should scold him like one. But maybe I'm giving him too much credit. I was impressed with his quick wit. And that never happens. And then the British press got all upset about it because he winked at her, too. You're not supposed to wink at the Queen, apparently.)
Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about was the Queen's hat today. Check it out from all angles. It's fabulous!